My art is a gateway to the depths of the psyche, an invitation to embark on a journey of self-observation and personal transformation.
A polyhedric artist by vocation, I work with several means and techniques, spacing from drawings and screen-prints, to short films, animations, light-boxes and interactive sculptures.
The main objects of my research are self-awareness and psychological transformation.
My work weaves narratives that transcend time and space, delving into the realms of the subconscious and finding universal keys that unlock the doors of our inner world.
Guided by my passion for comic books, the Tarot, psychedelic art, psychomagic and contemporary shamanism, I offer a visual testimony of the intricate workings of my mind and of the journey I am undertaking in order to overcome the limits imposed by my own ego.
My art reveals a rich world of symbolisms and metaphores, pulsating with vibrant colors, visual paradoxes, intricate patterns and enigmatic forms.
A sophisticated surrealism and a weird sense of humour are sublimated throughout all of my creations.